NUEVO LEON – The Mexican government seeks to create an industrial park for electric batteries (Lithium), alongside Tesla’s gigafactory in Nuevo Leon.

According to Martha Delgado, Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), the park will house different manufacturers, including Elon Musk’s firm.

“The government plan estimates that the battery industrial park will be built in the center of the country, since it is a strategic location,” she added.

This location was chosen to supply the automotive industry plants located in Puebla, Queretaro, State of Mexico and the Bajio region.

The undersecretary highlighted the state of Hidalgo as one of the entities that would benefit from the project. However, according to the Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry (AMIA), Hidalgo does not have any light vehicle manufacturing plants.

It is worth mentioning that recently President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador noted the possibility of investments in Sonora or Hidalgo related to lithium.

Regarding this, Martha Delgado said that there is an incentive issue that is being discussed with Tesla and that Mexico is reviewing with the Treasury.

“The United States has high subsidies for electric battery factories. For this reason, the Foreign Ministry and the Treasury are working on putting together an “interesting” incentive package in order to allow Tesla to establish itself in the country,” added Martha Delgado.

For his part, Mexico’s Secretary of Finance, Rogelio Ramírez de la O, said that Tesla’s proposal consists of matching U.S. tax incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), estimated at US$369 billion for the climate change and electromobility sector.

However, the Mexican government refused to match the tax incentives.


Source: Mexico Now

Tesla plant, high demand boost optimism on Mexican economy
Bank says high interest rates will drag down Brazilian economy


Latin America’s top two economies are moving in opposite directions, with export and investment growth propelling Mexico while Brazil is set to fall into recession, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co.

“Mexico is the silver lining in Latin America as it remains on a strong footing, on the back of resilient external demand, domestic consumption, and the catching up in fixed investment,” JPMorgan economists including Cassiana Fernandez and Gabriel Lozano wrote in a report published Monday.

In contrast, “Brazil, which was one of the first economies to tighten policy, will also be among the first to see a recession,” the economists wrote.

Mexico’s Dec. Fixed Investment Rises Up Most in 15 Months

Analysts became more optimistic about the Mexican economy after Tesla Inc. announced the construction of a new factory in Monterrey, an industrial city near the border with Texas, that’s likely to bring in billions of dollars of investment. Meanwhile, Brazil’s worse-than-expected end to 2022, when the economy shrank 0.2% during the final quarter, raised concerns that high interest rates will be a big drag on growth this year.

The economists don’t see Brazil’s central bank cutting rates “anytime soon,” unless there’s a deeper fall in economic activity.

“Looking ahead, we expect some economic recovery during the year – aided by a more solid external outlook particularly with China re-opening strength – but with growth remaining below potential up until the end of 2024,” they wrote.

On Monday, Mexico’s statistics institute reported that gross fixed investment grew 9.4% in December compared to the previous year, the fastest expansion since Sept. 2021. Shipments of vehicles, one of Mexico’s main exporting products, grew over 14% in February to 230,484 units, the institute said.

Source: Andrew Rosati, Bloomberg 

The need for world-class manufacturing and engineering talent in the automotive sector has reached a fever pitch as automakers, along with Tier 1 and 2 suppliers, gain velocity in delivering on the many promises of electrification. Success requires careful maneuvering around seemingly endless technology, supply chain and production speed bumps.

For that reason, among others, Molex recently opened a factory in Guadalajara, Mexico, to accelerate innovation on behalf of automotive, transportation and industrial customers in North America and globally. While the company’s manufacturing presence in Mexico has grown steadily for more than a half-century, this move is aimed at alleviating complex challenges in vehicle connectivity, electrification, battery management, functional safety and zonal architectures.

By doubling down on a new facility nearly twice as large as its existing Guadalajara footprint, Molex attains ready access to advanced manufacturing capabilities and a diversified pool of highly experienced engineers. This enables us to extend and complement our engineering resources throughout North America, Asia and Europe.

According to the International Trade Administration (ITA), Mexico produces approximately 3 million vehicles annually, with 76% destined for the United States. A long list of automakers has factories throughout the country, including Audi, BMW, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Mazda, Mercedes Benz, Nissan, Stellantis, Toyota and Volkswagen. Additionally, over 1,100 Tier 1 and several thousand Tier 2 and Tier 3 auto-parts manufacturers and suppliers have operations in Mexico.

Anyone prioritizing Mexico as a labor-arbitrage solution is missing the point. This country clearly has so much to offer. Mexico’s emphasis on STEM education is contributing to a rapid rise in engineering talent. In metro Guadalajara alone, more than 20 universities offer engineering programs focused on electronics, software, renewable-energy technologies and artificial intelligence.

Mexico also offers excellent opportunities for “nearshoring,” which relocates manufacturing closer to final delivery destinations. Trade agreements, such as the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), provide incentives that can lower production costs while strengthening a company’s North American presence.

What stands out, however, is Mexico’s budding reputation as the “Silicon Valley of the South.” In particular, Guadalajara has become a hotbed for innovation, encouraging leading-edge product development and entrepreneurial thinking, along with increased foreign and venture-capital investments. According to Credit Suisse’s Mexico Nearshoring Tracker Second Edition released in October, Volkswagen, Flex Americas, Continental, Bosch and Molex contributed the most to the $2 billion invested during the quarter.

Molex’s decision to expand south of the U.S. border took place well before the pandemic and massive supply chain disruptions that caught many companies off guard. The company’s strategy to invest $130 million in a second factory in Guadalajara emerged from ongoing discussions about broadening supply chains, shortening lead times, localizing production and accessing specialized expertise to spur electrification.

These goals aligned with Molex’s plan to embrace factory-of-the-future capabilities, including production-line automation, advanced materials handling, robotics, cutting-edge molding and assembly, digital twins, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, machine learning and other data-driven, digital technologies, tools and processes.

Expansion in Guadalajara also enabled the company to apply expertise from working with makers of sophisticated medical devices, high-speed networks and powerful data-center solutions — all critical to developing tomorrow’s electric vehicles, advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications. We now can readily tap into a region rich with relevant customer experiences, proven engineering talent and overarching commitments to R&D.

Guadalajara has a strong foothold in electronics, medical devices and automotive manufacturing. The biggest EMS players — including Jabil, Flex and Sanmina, among others — have world-class factories here. Many tech titans in software, hardware and digital technologies also have a growing presence, which bodes well for the automotive industry because cars of the future will function more like data centers on wheels.

Equally important is the increase in on-site testing capabilities, such as the reliability and metrology lab Molex is implementing in Guadalajara. The goal is to empower local engineers to improve product designs and speed development cycles using testing, simulations and analyses that reduce rework costs and time. In collaboration with customers and colleagues, Molex is committed to Mexico for the long haul — and excited about discovering new and creative ways to continually add customer value.



The chunks metal being worked on do not look terribly special. But the factory of Aerospace, a chemical-processing firm in Tijuana, hints at Mexico’s importance to global supply chains. These are components, from tray tables to door parts, for aircraft made by companies including Boeing, Cessna and Lockheed Martin. BAP applies surface treatments to the pieces, from submerging them in big vats of chemicals to meticulous work done by hand, before shipping them north.

Mexico has long been a hub for manufacturing. Toyota, a Japanese carmaker, has had a plant in Tijuana since 2002. Honeywell, an American industrial giant, opened one in 2010. But increasingly the country is moving into higher-value processes. It now accounts for 3-4% of aerospace imports to the United States, up from 1.5% in 2010. By contrast China’s share, which was the same as Mexico’s a decade ago, is now just 1%. American sanctions on China and tariffs on Chinese goods explain much of this change, as well as rising wages in China and the difficulty of doing business there. The trend has accelerated recently. Pandemic-induced border closures, increased freight costs, and consumers’ demands for instant gratification have all nudged firms around the world to consider shortening their supply chains.

“This is a golden opportunity for Mexico,” says Helen Wang, a consultant. The country has some natural advantages, not least a long land border with the United States. Mexico is party to fully 23 free-trade deals. Manufacturing wages are lower than in China. A survey this year by the American Chamber of Commerce of Shanghai found that a fifth of its members were considering moving some work out of China; more than a third of those who were thinking of moving were looking to Mexico.

In Tijuana the mood among many Mexican businesspeople is optimistic. Several big firms have expanded recently. Panasonic, a Japanese electronics company, opened a plant in 2018 to make cables for aerospace. Other companies are diversifying into logistics and distribution. In September this year Amazon, an e-commerce giant, opened a warehouse there, though the company denied that it would use it to serve customers in the United States.

In addition to aerospace, the manufacturing of medical devices and other electronics is booming. “We are doing things [in Mexico] that once would have had to be done in Japan or Germany,” boasts Eduardo Salcedo, the manager of the local operations of Össur, an Icelandic medical-devices company. “We have guys running a million-dollar machine with their right hand and another one with their left hand.”

Chain reaction

The result is that the richest part of the country, by the border, is becoming even better off. “Northern Mexico is growing at similar rates to Asia,” says Luis de la Calle, a consultant who used to work at Mexico’s economy ministry. Elsewhere, however, the picture is mixed. FDI fell from 3.1% of GDP in 2018 to 2.3% in 2019, compared with 3.7% in Brazil or 6.2% in Vietnam.

And despite its proximity to the United States, Mexico has its shortcomings. Business parks provide world-class facilities but the infrastructure outside—from roads to ports—is of poor quality, says Mr de la Calle. Businesses complain of problems obtaining inputs. The likes of Panasonic and Össur import many of the materials they need. Similarly Össur nearly pulled out of Tijuana because it could not find a company to apply chemical processes to its products, which include prosthetics. (BAP eventually stepped in.)

Some of the causes of Mexico’s problems are outside its control. When the government of the United States talks about “near-shoring”, it really means onshoring, says Bill Reinsch of CSIS, a think-tank in Washington. It can be protectionist in negotiations with Canada and Mexico. USMCA, the revised trade deal agreed in 2020 between the three countries, is stricter than its predecessor, NAFTA—indeed it was negotiated in part to preserve manufacturing jobs in the United States.

But Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Mexico’s populist president, has not helped. In 2018 his administration replaced one of the most business-friendly (if corrupt) governments in Mexico’s history, that of Enrique Peña Nieto. Mr López Obrador, in contrast, seems to enjoy unnerving investors.

Soon after taking office he cancelled a new airport for Mexico City, after the diggers had been working for three years, at a cost of at least $5bn. In 2020 he also pulled the plug on a $1.4bn investment in a new factory by Constellation Brands, an American brewer, which was near completion. He has weakened independent regulators by absorbing them into government or slashing their budgets.

Mr López Obrador is also reversing his predecessor’s opening of the energy industry to private firms and favouring inefficient state-owned outfits. Along with making electricity dirtier and less reliable, this sends forbidding signals to investors. In November the boss in Mexico of General Motors (GM), an American carmaker, said the company would not invest further in the country without laws that promote renewable energy. Earlier this year GM had said it would invest more than $1bn to make electric cars in Mexico from 2023. Last year Tesla, a leading maker of such cars, considered opening a factory in Mexico but opted instead for Texas. Although Tesla did not explain its reasons, Elon Musk, its boss, has grumbled about the Mexican government’s closure of some of the factories of its suppliers during covid-related lockdowns.

Mexico risks “shooting itself in the foot” by not taking advantage of shorter supply chains, says Michael Camuñez, who started a series of meetings to boost the economic relationship between Mexico and the United States during Barack Obama’s administration. (Mr López Obrador and President Joe Biden relaunched this “economic dialogue” in September.) Unfortunately it is Mr López Obrador who has his finger on the trigger and, if his past treatment of foreign investors is any guide, seems likely to pull it. 

This article appeared in the The Americas section of the print edition under the headline “Missing links” in the economist

fashion supply chain

Major clothing and shoe companies are moving production to countries closer to their U.S. and European stores, smarting from a resurgence in cases of the Delta variant of the novel coronavirus in Vietnam and China that slowed or shut down production for several weeks earlier this year.

The disclosures come amid a massive shipping logjam that is driving up costs and forcing companies to rethink their globe-spanning supply chains and low-cost manufacturing hubs in Asia..

The latest example is Spanish fashion retailer Mango, which told Reuters on Friday it has “accelerated” its process of increasing local production in countries such as Turkey, Morocco and Portugal. In 2019, the company largely sourced its products from China and Vietnam. Mango told Reuters that it would “considerably” expand the number of units manufactured locally in Europe in 2022.

Brazil, Mexico gain

Similarly, U.S. shoe retailer Steve Madden on Wednesday said it had pulled back production in Vietnam and had shifted 50% of its footwear production to Brazil and Mexico from China, while rubber clogs maker Crocs said last month it was moving production to countries including Indonesia and Bosnia.

Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, the Czech Republic, Morocco, and Turkey were some of the countries drawing new interest from clothing and shoe producers, though China continues to produce a large share of the apparel for U.S. and European clothing chains.

“We are seeing a lot of growth in freight and trucking activity in the former Soviet Republics… a big rise in Hungary and Romania,” said Barry Conlon, chief executive of Overhaul, a supply chain risk management firm.

In Turkey, apparel exports are expected to reach $20 billion this year, an all-time high, driven by a spike in orders from the European Union, Turkey’s Union of Chambers Clothing and Garment Council data showed. In 2020, exports hit $17 billion.

Business boom in Bosnia

In Bosnia & Herzegovina, exports of textiles, leather, and footwear amounted to 739.56 million marka ($436.65 million) in the first half of 2021, which was higher than for all of 2020.

“Many companies from the European Union, which is our most important trading partner, are looking for new suppliers and new supply chains in the Balkan market,” said Professor Muris Pozderac, secretary of the association of textile, clothing, leather, and footwear in Bosnia & Herzegovina.

In Guatemala, where Nordstrom significantly shifted its private-label volume production in 2020, clothing exports were a touch over $1 billion as of the end of August, up 34.2% from 2020 and even 8.8% higher than in 2019.

To be sure, many companies are also still heavily reliant on Vietnam, where recent production stoppages have caused significant disruptions. Vietnam’s government said in October that it will fall short of its garment exports target this year, by $5 billion in a worst-case scenario, due to the impacts of coronavirus restrictions and a shortage of workers.

Via the hindu

Stock and Cash Transaction Represents an Enterprise Value of Approximately $31 Billion

Expected to Create Annualized Synergies of Approximately $1 Billion within Three Years

Historic Combination Enhances Competition, Creates New Options for Customers, and Supports Economic Growth in North America

Companies to Host Investor Conference Call Thursday at 8 a.m. ET

CALGARY, Alberta & KANSAS CITY, Mo.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (TSX: CP, NYSE: CP) (“CP”) and Kansas City Southern (NYSE: KSU) (“KCS”) today announced they have entered into a merger agreement, under which CP has agreed to acquire KCS in a stock and cash transaction representing an enterprise value of approximately USD$31 billion1, which includes the assumption of $3.8 billion of outstanding KCS debt. The transaction, which has the unanimous support of both boards of directors, values KCS at $300 per share, representing a 34% premium, based on the CP closing price on Aug. 9, 2021, the date prior to which CP submitted a revised offer to acquire KCS, and KCS’ unaffected closing price on March 19, 20212.

“Our path to this historic agreement only reinforces our conviction in this once-in-a-lifetime partnership,” said CP President and Chief Executive Officer Keith Creel. “We are excited to get to work bringing these two railroads together. By combining, we will unlock the full potential of our networks and our people while providing industry-best service for our customers. This perfect end-to-end combination creates the first U.S.-Mexico-Canada rail network with new single-line offerings that will deliver dramatically expanded market reach for CP and KCS customers, provide new competitive transportation options, and support North American economic growth.”

“We are glad to be partnering with CP to create a railroad that is able to compete by providing the best value for the transportation dollar,” said KCS President and Chief Executive Officer Patrick J. Ottensmeyer. “The CP-KCS combination will not only benefit customers, labor partners, and shareholders through new, single-line transportation services, attractive synergies and complementary routes, it will also benefit KCS and our employees by enabling us to become part of a growing and truly North American continental enterprise.”

While remaining the smallest of six U.S. Class 1 railroads by revenue, the combined company would have a much larger and more competitive network, operating approximately 20,000 miles of rail, employing close to 20,000 people, and generating total revenues of approximately $8.7 billion based on 2020 actual revenues. The CP-KCS combination is expected to create jobs across the joined network. Additionally, the companies expect efficiency and service improvements to achieve meaningful environmental benefits.

Transaction to Expand Options and Efficiencies for Customers

A CP-KCS combination would provide unprecedented reach via new single-line hauls across a combined network, offering:

  • New single-line competitive options for domestic intermodal shipments between Mexico, the U.S. Midwest, and Canada, providing a truck competitive product for time-sensitive shipments in the high-value parts, perishables, and expedited markets.
  • New single-line hauls linking key automotive manufacturing and distribution centers in Mexico, the U.S. Midwest, and Canada, capitalizing on CP’s best-in-class automotive compound network.
  • New single-line routes linking energy, chemical, and merchandise shippers to more quickly and efficiently connect origin and destination facilities and reach new markets and global consumers.
  • Unmatched access to Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific ports, linking international intermodal shippers with North America’s largest consumer markets providing new optionality, capacity, and resiliency.
  • New single-line routes allowing the efficient flow of agricultural products from CP’s origin-rich franchise to KCS’ destination-rich franchise, generating new optionality for shippers and receivers.
  • Extended reach for short line and regional railroads coupled with new optionality for non-rail served customers via our extensive transload network.

Importantly, customers would not experience a reduction in independent railroad choices as a result of the transaction. CP-KCS have committed to keep all existing freight rail gateways open on commercially reasonable terms, while simultaneously competing aggressively to attract traffic via new single-line north-south lanes between Canada, the Upper Midwest and the Gulf Coast, Texas, and Mexico.

A CP-KCS combination would preserve the six-railroad structure of the North American Class 1 rail network: two in the west, two in the east and two in Canada, each with access to the U.S. Gulf Coast. The two companies once combined would remain the smallest of the Class 1 carriers.

Improving Highway Traffic, Environmental Sustainability, and Safety

The new single-line routes made possible by the transaction are expected to shift trucks off crowded U.S. highways, lowering emissions and reducing the need for public investments in road and highway bridge repairs. Rail is four times more fuel efficient than trucking, and one train can keep more than 300 trucks off public roads and produce 75 percent less greenhouse gas emissions. The synergies created by this combination are expected to take tens of thousands of trucks off the highways annually.

CP is committed to sustainability and is currently developing North America’s first line-haul hydrogen-powered locomotive. Additionally, the combined company would maintain both CP and KCS’ pledges to improve fuel efficiency and lower emissions in-line with the Paris Agreement to support a more sustainable North American supply chain.

Creating Value for KCS and CP Shareholders

Following the closing into a voting trust, common shareholders of KCS will receive 2.884 CP shares and $90 in cash for each KCS common share held. Preferred shareholders will receive $37.50 in cash for each KCS preferred share held. The fixed exchange ratio implies a price for KCS of $300 per share, representing a 34% premium, based on the CP closing price on August 9, 2021 and KCS’ unaffected closing price on March 19, 20213.

Immediately following the closing into trust, KCS common shareholders are expected to own 28 percent of CP’s outstanding common shares, providing the ability to participate in the upside of both companies’ growth opportunities. Following final regulatory approval by the U.S. Surface Transportation Board (“STB”), KCS shareholders would also reap the benefits of synergies resulting from the combination.

The combined growth strategies of the two fastest-growing Class 1s will result in new efficiencies for customers and improved on-time performance under their respective Precision Scheduled Railroading programs. The combined company is expected to create annualized synergies of approximately $1 billion over three years.

The combination is expected to be accretive to CP’s adjusted diluted EPS4 in the first full year following CP’s acquisition of control of KCS, and is expected to generate double-digit accretion upon the full realization of synergies thereafter.

To fund the stock consideration of the merger, CP will issue 44.5 million new shares. Consistent with the previously announced transaction, the cash portion will be funded through a combination of cash-on-hand and raising approximately $8.5 billion in debt, for which financing has been committed. As part of the merger, CP will assume approximately $3.8 billion of KCS’ outstanding debt. Following the closing into trust, CP expects that its outstanding debt will be approximately $20 billion.

Pro forma for the transaction, CP estimates its leverage ratio against 2021E street consensus EBITDA to be approximately 3.9x with the assumption of KCS debt and issuance of new acquisition-related debt. In order to manage this leverage effectively, CP will continue to temporarily suspend its normal course issuer bid program, and expects to produce approximately $7 billion of levered free cash flow (after interest and taxes) over the next three years. CP estimates its long-term leverage target of approximately 2.5x to be achieved within 24 months after closing into trust. The combined company will remain committed to maintaining strong investment grade credit ratings while continuing to return capital for the benefit of shareholders.

Strong Stakeholder Support for CP-KCS

More than 1,000 stakeholders – including railroad labor unions, shippers, and community leaders – have written letters to the STB supporting CP’s proposed combination with KCS. These letters emphasize the enhanced competition and unsurpassed levels of service, safety and economic efficiency that the transaction will bring for shippers and communities across the U.S., Mexico, and Canada that a CP-KCS combination offers.

Clear Path to Complete Transaction and Merger

On May 6, 2021, the STB approved the use of a voting trust for a planned CP-KCS merger, and the pertinent circumstances surrounding this new agreement between CP and KCS have not changed relative to those underlying the STB’s decision approving a trust. To close into voting trust, the transaction requires approval from shareholders of both companies along with satisfaction of customary closing conditions, including Mexican regulatory approvals. CP would then acquire KCS and place the KCS shares into the voting trust, at which point KCS shareholders would receive 2.884 CP shares and $90 in cash for each KCS common share held. The companies expect the transaction to close and KCS shareholders to receive their consideration in Q1 2022.

CP’s ultimate acquisition of control of KCS’ U.S. railways is subject to the approval of the STB. In April, the STB decided that it would review the CP-KCS combination under the merger rules in existence prior to 2001 and the waiver granted to KCS in 2001 to exempt it from the 2001 merger rules. In August, the STB reaffirmed that the pre-2001 rules would govern its review of the CP-KCS transaction.

The STB review of CP’s proposed control of KCS is expected to be completed in the second half of 2022. Upon obtaining control approval, the two companies will be integrated fully over the ensuing three years, unlocking the benefits of the combination.

Board, Management, and Headquarters

Following STB approval of the CP’s control of KCS, Mr. Creel will serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the combined company. The combined entity will be named Canadian Pacific Kansas City (“CPKC”).

Calgary will be the global headquarters of CPKC, and Kansas City, Missouri will be the U.S. headquarters. The Mexico headquarters will remain in Mexico City and Monterrey. CP’s current U.S. headquarters in Minneapolis-St. Paul will remain an important base of operations.

Four KCS Directors will join CP’s expanded Board at the appropriate time, bringing their experience and expertise in overseeing KCS’ multinational operations.


BMO Capital Markets and Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC are serving as financial advisors to Canadian Pacific. Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, Bennett Jones LLP and the Law Office of David L. Meyer are serving as legal counsel. Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, S.C. are serving as Mexican legal counsel to Canadian Pacific. Evercore is serving ‎as the Canadian Pacific Board’s financial advisors and Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP is serving as the Board’s legal counsel.

‎BofA Securities and Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC are serving as financial advisors to Kansas City Southern. Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, Baker & Miller PLLC, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP, WilmerHale, and White & Case, S.C. are serving as legal counsel to Kansas City Southern.

Conference Call for Investment Community

CP and KCS will host a joint investor conference call Thursday, Sept. 16, at 8 a.m. ET to discuss this announcement. A live webcast of the call and the replay will be available on the CP website at and the KCS website at Supporting materials will be posted on To listen to the live conference call, dial (877) 830-2586 in the U.S. or (785) 424-1734 internationally, passcode 74335.

A conference call replay will be available for one week following the call and can be accessed by dialing (800) 753-5212 (no passcode needed).

For information on the benefits of a CP-KCS combination, visit


This news release includes certain forward looking statements and forward looking information (collectively, FLI) to provide CP and KCS shareholders and potential investors with information about CP, KCS and their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, including each company’s management’s respective assessment of CP, KCS and their respective subsidiaries’ future plans and operations, which FLI may not be appropriate for other purposes. FLI is typically identified by words such as “anticipate”, “expect”, “project”, “estimate”, “forecast”, “plan”, “intend”, “target”, “believe”, “likely” and similar words suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. All statements other than statements of historical fact may be FLI.

Although we believe that the FLI is reasonable based on the information available today and processes used to prepare it, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and you are cautioned against placing undue reliance on FLI. By its nature, FLI involves a variety of assumptions, which are based upon factors that may be difficult to predict and that may involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, levels of activity and achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these FLI, including, but not limited to, the following: the timing and completion of the transaction, including receipt of regulatory and shareholder approvals and the satisfaction of other conditions precedent; interloper risk; the realization of anticipated benefits and synergies of the transaction and the timing thereof; the success of integration plans; the focus of management time and attention on the transaction and other disruptions arising from the transaction; changes in business strategy and strategic opportunities; estimated future dividends; financial strength and flexibility; debt and equity market conditions, including the ability to access capital markets on favourable terms or at all; cost of debt and equity capital; potential changes in the CP share price which may negatively impact the value of consideration offered to KCS shareholders; the ability of management of CP, its subsidiaries and affiliates to execute key priorities, including those in connection with the transaction; general Canadian, U.S., Mexican and global social, economic, political, credit and business conditions; risks associated with agricultural production such as weather conditions and insect populations; the availability and price of energy commodities; the effects of competition and pricing pressures, including competition from other rail carriers, trucking companies and maritime shippers in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico; North American and global economic growth; industry capacity; shifts in market demand; changes in commodity prices and commodity demand; uncertainty surrounding timing and volumes of commodities being shipped; inflation; geopolitical instability; changes in laws, regulations and government policies, including regulation of rates; changes in taxes and tax rates; potential increases in maintenance and operating costs; changes in fuel prices; disruption in fuel supplies; uncertainties of investigations, proceedings or other types of claims and litigation; compliance with environmental regulations; labour disputes; changes in labour costs and labour difficulties; risks and liabilities arising from derailments; transportation of dangerous goods; timing of completion of capital and maintenance projects; sufficiency of budgeted capital expenditures in carrying out business plans; services and infrastructure; the satisfaction by third parties of their obligations; currency and interest rate fluctuations; exchange rates; effects of changes in market conditions and discount rates on the financial position of pension plans and investments; trade restrictions or other changes to international trade arrangements; the effects of current and future multinational trade agreements on the level of trade among Canada, the U.S. and Mexico; climate change and the market and regulatory responses to climate change; anticipated in-service dates; success of hedging activities; operational performance and reliability; customer, shareholder, regulatory and other stakeholder approvals and support; regulatory and legislative decisions and actions; the adverse impact of any termination or revocation by the Mexican government of Kansas City Southern de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.’s Concession; public opinion; various events that could disrupt operations, including severe weather, such as droughts, floods, avalanches and earthquakes, and cybersecurity attacks, as well as security threats and governmental response to them, and technological changes; acts of terrorism, war or other acts of violence or crime or risk of such activities; insurance coverage limitations; material adverse changes in economic and industry conditions, including the availability of short and long-term financing; and the pandemic created by the outbreak of COVID-19 and its variants, and resulting effects on economic conditions, the demand environment for logistics requirements and energy prices, restrictions imposed by public health authorities or governments, fiscal and monetary policy responses by governments and financial institutions, and disruptions to global supply chains.

We caution that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive and is made as of the date hereof. Additional information about these and other assumptions, risks and uncertainties can be found in reports and filings by CP and KCS with Canadian and U.S. securities regulators, including any proxy statement, prospectus, material change report, management information circular or registration statement to be filed in connection with the transaction. Reference should be made to “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations—Forward Looking Statements” in CP’s and KCS’s annual and interim reports on Form 10-K and 10-Q. Due to the interdependencies and correlation of these factors, as well as other factors, the impact of any one assumption, risk or uncertainty on FLI cannot be determined with certainty.

Except to the extent required by law, we assume no obligation to publicly update or revise any FLI, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. All FLI in this news release is expressly qualified in its entirety by these cautionary statements.


Canadian Pacific is a transcontinental railway in Canada and the United States with direct links to major ports on the west and east coasts. CP provides North American customers a competitive rail service with access to key markets in every corner of the globe. CP is growing with its customers, offering a suite of freight transportation services, logistics solutions and supply chain expertise. Visit to see the rail advantages of CP. CP-IR


Headquartered in Kansas City, Mo., Kansas City Southern (KCS) (NYSE: KSU) is a transportation holding company that has railroad investments in the U.S., Mexico and Panama. Its primary U.S. holding is The Kansas City Southern Railway Company, serving the central and south central U.S. Its international holdings include Kansas City Southern de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., serving northeastern and central Mexico and the port cities of Lázaro Cárdenas, Tampico and Veracruz, and a 50 percent interest in Panama Canal Railway Company, providing ocean-to-ocean freight and passenger service along the Panama Canal. KCS’ North American rail holdings and strategic alliances with other North American rail partners are primary components of a unique railway system, linking the commercial and industrial centers of the U.S., Mexico and Canada. More information about KCS can be found at


CP will file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) a registration statement on Form F-4, which will include a proxy statement of KCS that also constitutes a prospectus of CP, and any other documents in connection with the transaction. The definitive proxy statement/prospectus will be sent to the shareholders of KCS. CP will also file a management proxy circular in connection with the transaction with applicable securities regulators in Canada and the management proxy circular will be sent to CP shareholders. INVESTORS, STOCKHOLDERS AND SHAREHOLDERS OF KCS AND CP ARE URGED TO READ THE PROXY STATEMENT/PROSPECTUS AND MANAGEMENT PROXY CIRCULAR, AS APPLICABLE, AND ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED OR TO BE FILED WITH THE SEC OR APPLICABLE SECURITIES REGULATORS IN CANADA IN CONNECTION WITH THE TRANSACTION WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE, AS THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT KCS, CP, THE TRANSACTION AND RELATED MATTERS. The registration statement and proxy statement/prospectus and other documents filed by CP and KCS with the SEC, when filed, will be available free of charge at the SEC’s website at In addition, investors and shareholders will be able to obtain free copies of the registration statement, proxy statement/prospectus, management proxy circular and other documents which will be filed with the SEC and applicable securities regulators in Canada by CP online at and, upon written request delivered to CP at 7550 Ogden Dale Road S.E., Calgary, Alberta, T2C 4X9, Attention: Office of the Corporate Secretary, or by calling CP at 1-403-319-7000, and will be able to obtain free copies of the proxy statement/prospectus and other documents filed with the SEC by KCS online at, upon written request delivered to KCS at 427 West 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64105, Attention: Corporate Secretary, or by calling KCS’s Corporate Secretary’s Office by telephone at 1-888-800-3690 or by email at [email protected].

You may also read and copy any reports, statements and other information filed by KCS and CP with the SEC at the SEC public reference room at 100 F Street N.E., Room 1580, Washington, D.C. 20549. Please call the SEC at 1-800-732-0330 or visit the SEC’s website for further information on its public reference room. This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities, nor shall there be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to appropriate registration or qualification under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. No offering of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of Section 10 of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended.


Although this news release includes forward-looking non-GAAP measures (adjusted diluted EPS and earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)), it is not practicable to reconcile, without unreasonable efforts, these forward-looking measures to the most comparable GAAP measures (diluted EPS and Net income, respectively), due to unknown variables and uncertainty related to future results. Please see Note on forward-looking statements above for further discussion.


This news release is not a solicitation of proxies in connection with the transaction. However, under SEC rules, CP, KCS, and certain of their respective directors and executive officers may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies in connection with the transaction. Information about CP’s directors and executive officers may be found in its 2021 Management Proxy Circular, dated March 10, 2021, as well as its 2020 Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC and applicable securities regulators in Canada on February 18, 2021, available on its website at and at and Information about KCS’s directors and executive officers may be found on its website at and in its 2020 Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on January 29, 2021, available at and These documents can be obtained free of charge from the sources indicated above. Additional information regarding the interests of such potential participants in the solicitation of proxies in connection with the transaction will be included in the proxy statement/prospectus and management proxy circular and other relevant materials filed with the SEC and applicable securities regulators in Canada when they become available.

1 Except where noted, all figures are in U.S. dollars.
2 Based on KCS closing share price of $224.16 as of March 19, 2021 and CP closing share price of CAD$91.50 (at 1.2565 FX rate) as of Aug. 9, 2021.
3 Based on KCS closing share price of $224.16 as of March 19, 2021 and CP closing share price of CAD$91.50 (at 1.2565 FX rate) as of Aug. 9, 2021.
4 Accretion based on adjusted diluted EPS excluding one-time advisory, financing, and integration costs as well as incremental transaction-related amortization.


As the U.S. economy emerges from Covid-19-related lockdowns and subsequent supply chain disruptions, business leaders are beginning to develop a roadmap for redesigning their global supply chains with the aim of making them more resilient, environmentally sustainable, and agile. This endeavor, combined with the Biden administration’s goal of making critical sectors of the U.S. economy more self-reliant and less dependent on China, will require public-private partnerships and hundreds of billions in government investments, subsidies, incentives, and sourcing mandates.

But the United States can’t achieve these goals alone. They will require it to collaborate and strengthen trading partnerships with countries in North America, Central America, and South America and build a reliable, cost-effective land-based transportation network that connects the three Americas. Only with strong partnerships and a Pan-American transportation network will the United States be able to bring manufacturing home from Asia. This reconfiguration would benefit all involved: Creating jobs and promoting political stability in poor countries in the Americas would also build wealth in these nations and slow migration from them to the United States.

In a slew of sectors, the only way to develop cost-effective manufacturing in the United States is for those factories to be fed by an ecosystem of low-cost suppliers located in Central and South America rather than Asia. Given the long transit times from suppliers in Asia, it’s unrealistic for U.S. factories to depend on them. Nor is it realistic to expect a major chunk of the supply base now in Asia to relocate to the United States. That’s because the United States doesn’t have the population needed to support a large-scale factory and logistics infrastructure: The average age of its population is 38.5 — much older than that of the labor force in emerging economies — and more flexible service-sector options would make it difficult to find the huge amount of workers to consistently fill factory and logistics jobs such as trucking.

Leveraging Mexico’s and Central America Younger Populations

Mexico and countries in Central America do have the population and demographics to support a large-scale manufacturing and logistics sector. Their workforce is much larger and younger — the average age across Central America is 24 to 28. The labor cost of manufacturing in Mexico is now equivalent to that of China, and in parts of Central America, such as Honduras, it is even lower. Millions of poor Central Americans are desperate for legal job opportunities, and local manufacturing work would be welcomed, especially by communities now plagued by drug trafficking and production. The establishment of a robust manufacturing sector in these countries would also provide their governments with the resources to build professional security forces with the capability to root out drug cartels.

Creating better economic opportunities and reducing crime and corruption would undoubtedly reduce the emigration from those countries to the United States. And a thriving large middle class with spending power would present U.S. companies with a large market close to home.

Finding Sources of Renewable Water

Another consideration in building a robust manufacturing system that encompasses the Americas is the availability of water — an existing problem that seems certain to grow worse due to global warming. Manufacturing requires large amounts of renewable water, and in many parts of the U.S. West and Southwest, water availability is severely constrained.

Canada and the U.S. Great Lakes region have significantly more water. South American countries such as Brazil, Colombia, and Peru rank among the top water-rich countries in the world. According to the Global Water Partnership (GWP), nearly a third of the world’s renewable water resources are in South America.

In addition to their water resources, many South American countries also have stronger economies than those in Central America, decent infrastructure, and large talent pools (they have high literacy rates and excellent universities). They also are major food exporters and have established companies in a wide range of industries, including autos, steel, chemicals, electronics, pharmaceuticals, apparel and footwear, and appliances. And last but not least, they are also important sources of commodities such as lithium, copper, iron, silver, zinc, tin, lead, manganese, and bauxite.

Constraining China and Russia

A final reason for the United States and its allies in the Americas to build a strong Pan-American manufacturing ecosystem is to constrain the growing economic, political, and military power of China in particular but also Russia. It’s a goal that President Joseph Biden emphasized in the recent G7 Summit, where he called on the world’s richest democracies to offer developing countries an alternative to China’s Belt and Road initiative, which has made major inroads in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East and has large port and road construction projects in the works in Central American countries.

Russia and China have donated millions of Covid-19 vaccines to countries in South America in a bid to increase influence in these regions and gain preferential mining rights and bids on infrastructure projects. At their summit, the Group of Seven countries pledged to provide one billion doses of Covid-19 vaccines to poor countries over the next year and take other actions to increase supplies.

Modernizing the Pan-American Transportation Network

The existing Pan-American Highway is a 19,000-mile network of roads throughout North, Central and South America. The only major break in it is the Darién Gap, the 100-mile marshy and forested region separating Central and South America. To link major industrial regions across the continents in the near term, the roads would need to be expanded and upgraded, and the Darién Gap would have to be bridged, which new tunneling technologies could help achieve. In the medium to long term, a modern rail transportation network would have to be built. This road and rail network would allow goods to travel seamlessly and swiftly over land across the three Americas without spending weeks on the ocean.

In supply chains, speed translates into cash and flexibility translates into resilience. A regional, “near-shored” supply chain would accelerate movement between industrial hubs across the Americas, substantially reducing transit times from raw material to finished goods to final point of sale by weeks. Less time spent in transit would mean less cash tied up in inventory. Consequently, manufacturers would have reduced working capital requirements and healthier balance sheets.

Making It Happen

Of course, a strategic reset of this magnitude will take time and come with a hefty price tag. The best comparison is the Belt and Road initiative, which China launched in 2013. It is aimed at improving the infrastructure between 70 countries across Asia and Europe and into Africa. The estimated cost of this Chinese-financed mega-project is $8 trillion. The United States is in the best position to lead the Pan-American initiative, but it is highly likely that other countries in the Americas would be willing to help share the costs given the clear economic, political, and social benefits that they would reap. Indeed, the creation of the U.S. Interstate Highway System, which was originally championed by President Eisenhower in the 1950s, provided a huge economic boost and helped turn the United States into a global economic powerhouse.

In addition to public outlays, other means could be used to help finance the construction of the network. They include the cash flow from usage fees and tolls, offtake contracts or preferential-rights agreements that would obligate users of the transportation system to buy goods from a company or country making the initial investment in the network, and privately financed build-operate-transfer (BOT) projects, where a private party helps pay for infrastructure in return for the right to operate and collect fees from it for a set period.

Admittedly, the current security, political, and infrastructural problems plaguing countries in Central and South America pose enormous near-term challenges in building a Pan-American manufacturing ecosystem. However, industries like apparel and food already operate in these countries, and there is a budding medical-devices-manufacturing sector in Costa Rica. Other companies could apply the lessons that players in those industries have learned about how to build and ship from factories in Central and South America.

It would be up to more-developed countries like the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil to persuade other countries to embrace the vision and join this ambitious endeavor. Most countries in the Americas aspire to work closely with the United States. And given the better future that a robust Pan-American manufacturing ecosystem could provide for their populations, many would undoubtedly be willing to support the infrastructure projects with guarantees and exclusive market-entry agreements and rights.

To remain competitive in the global landscape, the United States and other countries in the Americas need to revamp their economic ties. They should set their sights on designing the supply chain for the next 50 years that can bring prosperity to all of them.


by John Siciliano

The untapped market for U.S. crude oil and natural gas isn’t across the sea in Asia or Europe, but just across the border in Mexico.

More than 50 percent of Mexico’s energy imports now comes from the U.S. as Mexico’s national oil and gas company, Pemex, struggles to reinvest in its own production, according to a new report due out this week from S&P Global Platts that underscores the large stake Mexico has in buying fossil fuels from the United States.

The country also has to move forward with a plan that began two years ago to restructure its energy markets and make them more competitive by attracting more participants from the U.S. and other countries.

President Trump often touts America’s rapid growth as an oil and gas producer and exporter. The White House last week issued a statement touting new Energy Department data that showed the U.S. is on target to become a net natural gas exporter this year, meaning it will ship more of the fuel abroad than it imports. Mexico will play a role in that.

“Pipeline imports of U.S. natural gas make up nearly 60 percent of total Mexican natural gas supply, compared to just 22 percent in 2010,” according to the report’s executive summary reviewed ahead of publication by the Washington Examiner. And that trend isn’t about to change any time soon. “Platts Analytics expects that U.S. natural gas imports will rise to nearly 70 percent of total supply by 2022.”

To meet the demand for natural gas from the U.S., Mexican pipeline import capacity has risen by 145 percent in the last seven years, according to the report. Mexican officials in the U.S. recently pointed out that the increase in natural gas use is driven partly by environmental targets that demand it switch to cleaner-burning natural gas to meet its electricity demand.

But Mexico is a bit of a novice in dealing with the complexities of operating a competitive natural gas market. It only just ramped up a new natural gas trading structure last month as part of its five-year market restructuring plan, according to S&P Global.

“Mexico’s natural gas market is in a massive state of flux,” according to S&P Global. “Gas trading is still in a nascent stage of development after getting off the ground in July.” Natural gas purchasers are being cautious about the new system that is meant to inject more competition into the market. “Gas buyers are hesitant to leave Pemex” and be dependent on another supplier, given that “current supply/demand conditions suggest that areas of supply shortage and/or transportation constraints could experience [higher] premium prices.”

Manufacturers and other industrial natural gas customers “have expressed concern about the recent lifting of natural gas price caps on first-hand sales and the possibility of price spikes in some regions,” according to the report. On the generation side, the cost of electricity has increased at a healthy pace compared to the lower prices in the United States, but that’s because the Mexican market has struggled to keep up with demand for the clean-burning fossil fuel.

Power prices are climbing in Mexico as the natural gas market tightens, with prices rising 56 percent in the first half of the year, the report said.

But those hiccups aren’t stopping U.S. energy companies from wanting to get into the Mexican market. Take ExxonMobil, for example. It “sees Mexico as an expanding market” where demand for fossil-based fuels is projected to grow more than 40 percent over the next 25 years, according to the report. At the same time, U.S. demand is expected to fall by 17 percent. The market for gasoline and diesel will be growing in Mexico, while the U.S. market is shrinking.

Mexican imports of refined U.S. oil products such as gasoline experienced massive growth in the first quarter of 2017.

“Unable to meet growing demand with local production, Mexico is opening its refined products markets to competition,” the report said. “Imports of U.S. petroleum products over the first four months of 2017 were up over 125 percent year-on-year. Mexico is in the process of expanding its refined products pipelines and terminals, and allowing outside access to existing assets.”

That might be the reason why BP opened its first internationally branded retail gas station in Mexico City in May. It is the first of 1,500 new fuel stations that the oil company plans to build in the country.

In contrast to the U.S., some large oil companies like Exxon have completely exited from the gas station business altogether over the last decade.

Meanwhile, Mexico’s Pemex opened its first gas station in the United States about a year and a half ago in Houston. A Pemex official at the time said the station is meant to test the company’s ability to compete in the U.S. It plans to build a fleet of five stations in the Houston area.

“We want to be put to the toughest test,” said José Manuel Carrera Panizzo, the company’s head of business development. “In terms of historic importance, it’s the first time Pemex puts a gas station outside the Mexican borders,” he said. “We’re trying to bring Mexico closer to American consumers … [and] we’re very excited.”




The Multifaceted Metamorphosis Ahead for Mexico's Energy Markets

The Mexico energy market has been a hot topic ever since late 2013 when the government decided to liberalize the energy sector, opening it up to foreign investment. The reform provides an unprecedented opportunity for international companies to participate in development of the nation’s vast oil resources as PEMEX unwinds its current monopoly. Multiple other opportunities exist in the power sector, in renewable development and in the natural gas pipeline sector.

The energy reforms were largely a result of the steep decline of the country’s oil production, inadequate financial resources to turn production around and an inability of PEMEX to keep pace with the technological change taking place in the industry.

Mexico ranks sixth in the world for non-conventional oil and gas resources, right behind Canada and Algeria, but lacks the financial resources to develop its reserves. It would take US$20 billion to extract the country’s reserves over a 210-year period and $87 billion to do it in 50 years. It also would not be possible to do this with one state-owned exploration and production monopoly — this is why the reforms were necessary.


Mexico, US and Canada sign energy MOU

Mexico, Canada and the US have signed a memorandum of understanding for energy and climate change cooperation, aimed at harmonizing the three countries’ policies and promoting green strategies.

The three countries announced last week that they are moving toward energy integration during Mexican energy minister Pedro Joaquín Coldwell’s visit to Winnipeg.

Coldwell (pictured, right) met with Canada’s natural resources minister Jim Carr (center) and US energy secretary Ernest Moniz (left), all of whom signed the MOU, according to Mexico’s energy ministry (Sener).

Coldwell said that among the three nations’ common aims is to offer clean electricity at competitive prices based on a lasting infrastructure, and highlighted Mexico’s commitment toward the three countries’ energy integration.

The meeting between the three ministers resulted in agreements to work toward increased electric power grid efficiency, use of green technology and the commitment to create common regulations to control CO2 emissions.

Mexico’s energy reform promotes the use of renewable energy sources and the first long-term power auction, to be held on March 31, will allow for the generation of cleaner, cheaper electricity, Coldwell said.

“In Mexico we are promoting investment in gas pipelines and combined cycle power plants with cutting-edge technology,” he said.

He also referred to Mexico’s auction of shallow water, onshore and deepwater oil fields, the latter of which is to be held in October, bringing private investment to the oil and gas sector.

Of the foreign firms that have so far been awarded contracts in the oil and gas auctions, five are from the US and one is Canadian, he said.

Mexico is also expanding its electricity connection with the US and moving forward with natural gas pipeline connections with its northern neighbor, he added.

Coldwell said the MOU incorporates previous agreements between the three countries, as well as commitments assumed at the COP21 climate talks in Paris.

