NAI Mexico is your trusted source for comprehensive and up-to-date industrial market intelligence. Our quarterly reports provide valuable insights into current trends and future outlooks for 24 key markets across Mexico’s five main regions.

What do the reports contain?

  • Market Size: Get a clear picture of the overall size of the industrial market in each region, calculated based on existing buildings.
  • Availability: Stay informed about the current availability of industrial space.
  • Vacancy Rates: Understand market conditions by analyzing vacancy rates for different property types and sizes.
  • Absorption: Track the market’s absorption rate, which indicates how quickly available space is being leased or purchased, and how much of total construction is occupied upon delivery.
  • Rental Rates: Get insights into current asking and effective rental rates for industrial properties.
  • Construction Activity: Stay informed of new industrial developments in each market.

Benefits of NAI Mexico’s Industrial Market Reports

  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Make informed decisions about your industrial real estate needs with access to the latest market data and expert analysis.
  • Identify Growth Opportunities: Discover promising markets with strong growth potential for your industrial operations.
  • Minimize Risk: Mitigate your exposure to market volatility by staying informed about key trends.
  • Gain a Competitive Edge: Get ahead of the curve with valuable insights that can help you optimize your real estate strategies.

How to Access the Reports:

All 24 quarterly industrial market reports are available for download in PDF format on this page. Simply enter your information in the form and then navigate to the region that interests you to access the corresponding reports.